Spartan Sunshine Coast Race Recap

Spartan Sunshine Coast Race Recap

I would have liked to write this race recap like this:

After a strong start on hilly terrain, I failed olympus. I lost a lot of time because the obstacle was wet so I was using hands only and fell off right before the bell. About 10 girls had passed me. Over the course of the race I gradually got ground back and competed z wall, monkey bars and multirig which are all difficult when wet. After struggling with the bucket carry I was able to overtake Gemma and over the next two kms made enough time on the hills to catch up with 2nd. We were neck and neck up the final hill but she was first across the fire jump. Somehow I still came second.

But that is not accurate because I got a time penalty for not doing enough burpees. I didn’t know I was short on spear throw. On olympus I knew I was a few short. I panicked when I was getting towards the end of burpees as about 10 girls had passed me so I just got up then and started running. This is completely unacceptable and I definitely deserve the time penalty. I am just so disappointed in myself for letting myself down and making an otherwise strong race worth nothing. I have never received a time penalty before and I can tell you I feel super ashamed and will be carefully counting every burpee at Picton.

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